SAMInside DC 21.01.2014

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InsidePro SAMInside portable
 SAMInside为一款俄罗斯人出品Windows密码恢复软件,主要用来恢复Windows的用户登录密码.与一般的Windows密码破解软件有所不同的是,多数的Windows密码恢复软件都是将Windows用户密码重置,比如Passware Kit系列中的Windows Key或者Active@ Password Changer Professional等等.而如果此时用户恰好使用了NTFS文件系统,并且将文件用NTFS的特性EFS(加密文件系统)加密了的话,则这些文件将变成永久不可读数据.SAMInside则是将用户密码以可阅读的明文分式破解出来,而且SAMInside可以使用分布式攻击方式同时使用多台计算机进行密码的破解大大提高破解速度.

SAMInside DC 21.01.2014 Multilingual | 7.6 MB

SAMInside is a professional solution for the recovery of user passwords used to log on to Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 2003, Windows Vista and Windows 7. The software is one of the the world’s fastest in terms of search speed; it features over 10 ways of importing hashes, does not require installation, supports several types of attacks and recovery of passwords in a variety of encodings; plus, offers auxiliary tools for extracting and handling hashes.

The program has small size, doesn’t require installation and can be run from diskette, CD/DVD-disk or USB-drive.

Includes over 10 types of data import and 6 types of passwords attack:
– Brute-force attack;
– Distributed attack;
– Mask attack;
– Dictionary attack;
– Hybrid attack;
– Pre-calculated tables attack.

Forcing program code is written completely on Assembler what lets to get extremely high speed of password forcing procedure on any processor.
Program correctly extracts Windows NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista/7 users’ names and passwords in national symbol encoding.
The program is the first utility in the world which started to work with passwords encrypted by system key SYSKEY!

 SAMInside DC 21.01.2014

OS : Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 2003, Windows Vista, and Windows 7
Language : Multilingual 

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