MSC Adams 2015.1-MAGNiTUDE

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Adams 2015正式发布!

作为世界上使用最广泛的多体动力学(MBD)软件,Adams 可帮助工程师研究运动部件的动力学特性以及在整个机械系统内部荷载和作用力的分布情况。



作为世界上使用最广泛的多体动力学(MBD)软件,用过ADAMS尽早进行系统级设计验证,可以提升工程效率、降低产品开发成本。工程师可评估并管理包括运动、结构、驱动和控制在内的各学科之间复杂相互作用,以便更好地优化产品设计的性能、安全性和舒适度。凭借广泛的分析能力,Adams 可充分利用高性能计算环境对大型问题进行优化。
利用多体动力学求解技术,Adams 仅用 FEA 求解所需的小部分时间便可完成非线性动力学的运行。通过更准确地评估载荷和作用力在各种运动及工作环境中的变化,Adams 仿真所计算的载荷和作用力改进了 FEA 的精度。

MSC Adams 2015.x | 900.2 mb

MSC Software Corporation, the leader in multidiscipline simulation solutions that accelerate product innovation, has released the 2015 version of its Adams multibody dynamics simulation solution suite. The Adams 2015 release delivers new functionality and major enhancements in many areas, especially for Adams/Car. Automotive engineers will benefit from new out-of-the-box, customized solutions for model setup and vehicle event simulations. The new features also give users the ability to create higher fidelity subsystems in their vehicle models.

Highlights of the release include:

Higher Fidelity Modeling

– Adams/Machinery Compatibility in Adams/Car – High fidelity gear and motor modeling in car & driveline
– Nonlinear FE Part Support for Adams/Car – Geometric nonlinearity for vehicle subsystems modeling and simulation
– Adams-Marc Co-simulation Enhancements – Easier and faster Multibody Dynamics-Nonlinear FEA Integration
– New Vehicle Database – Provides availability of key vehicle types out-of-the-box

New Vehicle Events

– Full-vehicle Suspension Parameter Measurement Machine (SPMM) – Tune suspension parameters for desired vehicle behavior without costly iteration with physical prototypes
– Static Vehicle Characteristics (SVC) – Computes and reports key metrics of the vehicle at static equilibrium
– Tandem Axle Suspension Analysis (TASA) – Delivers support for tuning of multi-axle architectures

More info: adams-2015_0.pdf

About MSC Software

MSC Software is one of the ten original software companies and the worldwide leader in multidiscipline simulation. As a trusted partner, MSC Software helps companies improve quality, save time, and reduce costs associated with design and test of manufactured products. Academic institutions, researchers, and students employ MSC’s technology to expand individual knowledge as well as expand the horizon of simulation. MSC Software employs 1,100 professionals in 20 countries.

Name: MSC Adams
Version: (64bit) 2015.x
Interface: english
OS: Windows 7even / 8
Size: 900.2 mb

MSC Adams 2015.1

MSC Adams 2015.0

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