Auburn Sounds Couture 1.9.0




  • 将单独的鼓音轨做的更大动态,更有力
  • 去掉底鼓音轨里的破音
  • 一键让整个总线的声音更大或更小动态
  • 通过较小的压缩和饱和处理将混音更融合
  • 用很微妙的饱和处理防止过于动态
  • 给主奏音色加入生命力

File size: 9.6 MB

Couture gives you exquisite control over your dynamics, and particularly attacks. Raw Efficiency. Increase or decrease dynamics. Get a usable result, now. Fully Volume-independent. Keep the freedom to change input gain when needed. Including the Saturation stage. Laser-sharp. Couture’s 2-bands, half-spectral, RMS, program-dependent detector finds each and every transient. No internal thresholds.

Couture is unusually versatile
Make individual drum tracks a lot more dynamic and punchy
Remove the “click” out of a kick drum sample
Make a whole bus more or less dynamic in a single click
Give glue to a mix with light compression and saturation
Use a subtle saturation that preserve dynamics
Deess the very start of notes for vocals
Give life to inane lead synths


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