Registry Workshop 4.6.3

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Registry Workshop 4.2.0

Registry Workshop 是一款高级的注册表编辑工具,能够完全替代 WIndows 系统自带的 RegEdit 注册表编辑器。除了RegEdit的特性外,Registry Workshop 提供许多其他功能提高注册表编辑操作效率:能够剪切,复制和粘贴注册项和键值名,还可以进行撤销和重做操作;能够快速地查找和替换所需注册项,键值名和字符串;允许编辑注册表文件同系统自带的注册表编辑器一样;并且提供容易使用和灵活的收藏夹功能。

 Registry Workshop 4.6.3 Multilingual | 13.8 MB

Registry Workshop is an advanced registry editor. It is a perfect replacement for RegEdit and RegEdt32 which shipped with Windows. In addition to all the standard features, Registry Workshop adds a variety of powerful features that allow you to work faster and more efficiently with registry related tasks. With Registry Workshop, registry editing becomes more safe than ever before.

OS : Windows XP, Vista, 7 and 8 (32-bit / 64-bit)
Language : Multilingual 

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