File Manager Soft System Tools 2014 (DC 03.2014)

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File Manager Soft System Tools 2014 (DC 03.2014)

File Manager Soft System Tools 2014 (DC 03.2014) | 14.01 MB

FMS File Size is an easy-to-use disk space analyze tool to scan your whole disks or folders and show various kinds of detail reports to you, such as Empty Folders Report,Empty Files Report,The Largest Files Report,The Oldest Files Report,even Files Never Used Last Year Report,etc.

FMS File Analyzer
FMS File Analyzer is a powerful and flexible harddisk space manager for Windows All.Find out which folders are the largest,which kinds of files are the most,and show you the files with the last access date or write date on your drives. With 3D charts,it is easy to visually track down disk usage and see the size of all folders including their subfolders.And follow the charts,you can find out and organize the files with the same file extension, the same file size range or the same file age range,and export them to files.

FMS File Catalog
Do you have lot’s of CDs, DVDs or any other files?Do you want to find out the file you needed quickly and not to check your CDs one by one?

FMS File Catalog is a hip software tool that helps you to catalog your files and any kinds of disks.This program will scan your disk and then catalog and save the file information. You can collect the infomation of your CDs and export it as an XML file.When you want a file, check the information of the XML file,you can find the CDs and the files directly and quickly. 

FMS File Date Changer
FMS File Date Changer allows you to change or modify the dates (timestamp) for one or more files,folders (directories) and subfolders, such as the creation date, last modified date or the last accessed date easily. 

FMS File Size
FMS File Size is an easy-to-use disk space analyze tool to scan your whole disks or folders and show various kinds of detail reports to you, such as Empty Folders Report,Empty Files Report,The Largest Files Report,Th

FMS Empty File Remover
Automatically check and delete empty files on your disk.

FMS Empty Folder Remover
Automatically check and delete empty directories on your disk.

FMS Excel Merge
FMS Excel Merge is a Merge Excel Files Software that can help you to merge multiple excel sheets or workbooks into one. You might be working to merge excel files into one fresh sheet or combine workbooks of excel into one fresh workbook, you must have to use FMS Excel Merge software which can make you comfortable to perform complex merging tasks. 

OS – Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8
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  1. 文件管理软件工具集 2014 (DC 03.2014) | 14.01 MB FMS File Size:是一款简单简单易用的硬盘空间分析工具,可以扫描磁盘或者文件夹,显示细节报告,比如空文件夹报告,空文件报告,大文件报告,最旧文件报告,从未使用的文件报告等 FMS File Analyzer:是一款强大灵活的硬盘空间管理工具,可以找到最大的文件夹,最占空间的文件类型,显示这些文件和文件夹的最后使用日期,在3D图表的配合下,您可以轻松追踪文件和文件夹是如何占用您的硬盘空间的。您可以找到那些相同的文件。 FMS File Catalog:如果你有很多的CD/DVD或者其他各种文件,你想快速找到他们,那你就需要此款软件。本软件帮助您分类管理文件,这个程序会扫描硬盘保存文件信息,您可以收集这些信息,导出为XML。当您需要这个文件,您就能方便的找到他们 FMS Empty File Remover:此软件用于删除空文件和空文件夹 FMS Excel Merge:此软件用于合并excel文件,将多个excel的表单合并在一起, 系统 - Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 首页 -
    wxy2ab11年前 (2014-03-17)