Maplesoft Maple 18.0 Windows / Linux

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Maple是一个通用型的商用计算机代数系统。Maple起源于1988年,由加拿大安大略滑铁卢的一家公司,Waterloo Maple Inc.(亦称Maplesoft枫软)进行开发和商业销售。最新版是Maple 18。它的主要竞争者是Mathematica。

用户能够直接使用传统数学符号进行输入,也可以定制个性化的界面。对于数值计算有额外的支持,能够扩展到任意精度,同时亦支持符号演算及可视化。符号演算的例子参见下文。Maple内建有一种动态的命令行风格的编程语言,该语言支持具有作用域的变量。同时亦有其他语言的接口(C、FORTRAN、Java、Matlab和Visual Basic)。还具有与Excel进行交互的接口。

 Maplesoft Maple 18.0 | 1.8 Gb

Maplesoft announced a major new release of its flagship product, Maple, the mathematical computing software for education and research in mathematics, engineering, and the sciences. With Maple 18, Maplesoft offers enhanced tools for developing interactive applications and quizzes, together with additional features to enrich and streamline the student experience.

Maple supports the easy creation of interactive Math Apps for use in the classroom and through The Möbius Project, an initiative from Maplesoft that supports the creation, sharing, and grading of Math Apps. With Maple 18, instructors can take advantage of increased flexibility in the one-step Math App creation tool to quickly create even more complex applications, and easily create randomly generated quizzes for their students.

Maplesoft Maple 18.0Maple 18 also offers a host of improvements to enhance the student experience, so they can learn important concepts quickly and easily.

– New Clickable Math tools include a dedicated calculus palette, improved context-sensitive menus for student-learning, and over 75 new Math Apps for math, biology, chemistry, and engineering.
– A new statistics package designed specifically to help teachers and students with an introductory course in statistics offers formulas and visualizations of statistical quantities, hypothesis testing, and interactive exploration.

Other important enhancements were made in visualization, mathematics, and the user interface:

– Extensive updates to visualization include a new package for quickly creating fractals, custom plot shading and image textures, background images on plots, and new visualization tools for signal processing and time series analysis.
– The many mathematical computation improvements include updates to physics, time series analysis, polynomial operations, dynamic systems, and graph theory.
– A powerful new search tool provides instant access to all the relevant help pages, tasks, assistants, tutors, and Math Apps in Maple and in The Möbius Project, with previews available so customers can easily select the exact resource they need.

Maple 18 is part of a broader release of Maplesoft’s product suite, including Maple add-ons and e-books and a new version of MapleSim, the advanced system-level modeling and simulation tool based on Maple’s mathematical engine. MapleSim 6.4 and all its toolboxes and connectivity add-ons have been updated to take advantage of the enhancements to Maple 18’s mathematical engine. Other improvements include more powerful tools for creating custom components, performance enhancements, a significantly expanded MapleSim Control Design Toolbox, and enhancements to the model generators for Simulink and FMI.

Maplesoft Maple 18.0

Name: Maplesoft Maple

Version: 18.0
Interface: english
OS: Windows / Linux
Size: 1.8 Gb

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网友最新评论 (7)

  1. 怎么没有序列号啊,哪个大神共享一个
    lixh9年前 (2015-10-10)
    • 细看下里面除了安装文件的文档
      Godown9年前 (2015-10-10)
      • dat文件打开如下: FEATURE Maple18 maplelmg 7777.7777 permanent uncounted HOSTID=INTERNET=*.*.*.* ISSUER= ISSUED= NOTICE= SN= TS_OK SIGN= FEATURE Maple18Excel maplelmg 7777.7777 permanent uncounted HOSTID=INTERNET=*.*.*.* ISSUER= ISSUED= NOTICE= SN= TS_OK SIGN= FEATURE MaplePlayer18 maplelmg 7777.7777 permanent uncounted HOSTID=INTERNET=*.*.*.* ISSUER= ISSUED= NOTICE= SN= TS_OK SIGN= FEATURE MapleReader18 maplelmg 7777.7777 permanent uncounted HOSTID=INTERNET=*.*.*.* ISSUER= ISSUED= NOTICE= SN= TS_OK SIGN=
        lixh9年前 (2015-10-10)
  2. 不知道是不是安装有问题,Maple 18 Linux 版的在CentOS上安装过后为什么提示HOSTID不匹配?
    yang_xfy11年前 (2014-04-14)
  3. 有没有Mac版的呢?谢谢
    sun111moon11年前 (2014-03-18)
  4. 真好!谢谢各位编辑老师!
    tmdxyz11年前 (2014-03-18)
  5. 地址呢?
    sarses11年前 (2014-03-17)