BlueMATH Calculator 1.2

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BlueMATH Calculator 1.2

BlueMATH Calculator是一个灵活的桌面计算器和数学表达式计算器。 它可以同时计算多个表达式。

 BlueMATH Calculator 1.2 | 0.4 MB

BlueMath Calculator is a flexible desktop calculator and math expression evaluator. It can calculate simultaneously multiple expressions, showing the results in the same time as you type. Type the mathematical expressions in a similar way as you would write them on paper. 

multiple expressions evaluation
arithmetic operations
parentheses support for complex mathematical expressions
support for user defined variables
results can be formatted to decimal, hexadecimal and binary bases
built-in algebraic, logarithmic and trigonometric functions
built-in mathematical constants – pi, e
unlimited number of user defined variables
scientific e notation
results formatted with digit group separator
bitwise operations
enter formulas with keyboard or special extended mode keypad
BlueMATH Calculator 1.2

OS : Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7 and 8
Language : English

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