FStoppers – Mike Kelley – Where Art Meets Architecture

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 FStoppers - Mike Kelley - Where Art Meets Architecture FStoppers – Mike Kelley – Where Art Meets Architecture

WEB-Rip | MP4 | AVC1 @ 2 Mbit/s | 1280×720 | AAC Stereo @ 128 Kbit/s 48 KHz | 7 Hours | 7.69 GB

Genre: Photography | Language: English

 How To Photograph Real Estate, Architecture and Interiors Tutorial with Mike Kelley

After years of perfecting his unique “light painting with speedlights” technique, Mike Kelley has quickly become one of the most sought after architecture and interior photographers around. Mixing artificial light, natural ambient light, and high powered strobe light, Mike’s images create a hyper realistic mood that has become a staple in the commercial and advertising world. Unlike traditional techniques such as single long exposures or high dynamic range renders, Mike’s light painting technique allows him to have the most amount of control over every light source seen in his images. It is only after you have seen Mike’s before and after examples that you can really appreciate just how impressive his work truly is.

Fstoppers.com has teamed up with Mike Kelley to produce Where Art Meets Architecture, a 7 hour long digital download on how to photograph real estate, architecture, and interiors. In this photography tutorial, Mike will explain each and every technique he uses to produce his stunning images. The full photography tutorial is broken down into three chapters, each covering the tools necessary to succeed in the different niche markets within the field of interior photography. So no matter if you are an experienced photographer or have never taken your camera out of auto mode, Mike will teach you the most basic steps to get started as well as walk you through some of his most complicated photo edits. From simple on-camera Real Estate photographs, to twilight exteriors with 20 layers of Photoshop, this tutorial will help you get on the fast track to making your photos of homes and architecture look as good as those seen in publications and commercials.

What is covered:

Real Estate Photography: In the Real Estate section, Mike will teach you everything you need to know about this genre so you can kick start your career and start producing images for real estate agents, listing agents, and general property management. All of the basics will be covered in this chapter including:

How to get started with minimal gear
How to bounce flash effectively
Using natural light to your advantage
Properly composing your frame
Choosing the correct focal length
How to retain exterior window views
Two, three, and four light setups
Correcting pincushion and barrel distortion
Fixing converging lines in Photoshop
Creating a final image completely in camera

In addition to “building your foundation”, Mike also talks candidly about how he found success in the real estate market, and how you too can build a money making business shooting properties for sale.

Architecture and Interior Photography: This chapter focuses on how to create photographs for higher paying clients like architects, home builders, interior designers, and magazine editorials. With the ground work already laid down, Mike focuses on streamlining your workflow and pushing your images into actual works of art. While on location at an actual architect’s personal home, Mike walks you through eight flagship images from initial capture all the way through the final photoshop editing process. We have also included a full Photoshop PSD file of a twilight exterior images so you can follow along as Mike teaches every step in creating his signature look.

Mike’s Twilight Exterior Technique
Advanced light painting and compositing
Tethering to an ipad/iphone
Using scrims to control reflections/specular highlights
The “Moody Interior Twilight Shot”
Faking warm sunlight
Staging furniture for strong compositions

Commercial and Advertising Photography: In this final section, Mike takes you on the set of two commercial spaces and demonstrates how to produce perfect images for restaurants, hotels, wedding venues, resorts, and other commercial clients. Emphasis will be placed on meeting your clients needs and lighting images according to the use of the space.

Creating twilight images while a restaurant is open for business
Incorporating people into your photography
Lighting multi room locations
Replacing details in Photoshop
Lighting large banquet halls
How to create an inviting atmosphere

Additionally, Mike will also cover the business of commercial and advertising photography including how to market yourself, how to build residual income through image licensing, finding and maintaining clients, and pricing your work.

COST: $299


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  1. FStoppers - Mike Kelley - 当艺术与建筑融合—房地产、建筑物及室内摄影教程 视频格式:WEB-Rip | MP4 | AVC1 @ 2 Mbit/s | 1280×720 音频格式:AAC Stereo @ 128 Kbit/s 48 KHz 时长:7h 容量:7.69 GB 发行日期:2014 在多年磨练其独特的“闪光灯光影绘画”技术的同时,Mike Kelley很快成为了广为推崇的建筑及室内摄影师。混合了人造光源、自然光源以及高频闪光灯,Mike的作品以创造了一种超现实感为特色,在商业和广告摄影业中独树一帜。与传统的技术,如长时间曝光或高动态范围渲染不同,Mike的光影绘画技术可以令其在作品最大限度地发挥其所能捕捉到的光线。只有在你看过Mike的作品后,才能真正了解他所要表达的想法。 Fstoppers.com与Mike Kelley联合制作了本套七个小时的教程,旨在帮助大家学习如何拍摄房地产、建筑物和室内装饰。在教程中,Mike会讲解他用于其出色作品的每一项技术。本教程分为三章,用于讲解不同细分市场的摄影技术。所以,不论你是有经验的摄影师还是一直使用自动挡的新手,Mike都会从基础讲起,然后由浅入深地到那些复杂的技术。从简单的地产摄影,到使用了20层Photoshop的黄昏外景,本教程会帮助你快速地掌握摄影,是你的作品看上去和出版物或广告中的一无二致。
    wilde(特殊组-翻译)11年前 (2014-03-22)