Schneider Electric Vijeo Citect 7.40 SP1

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Schneider Electric Vijeo Citect 7.40 SP1
  • 在工厂自动化流程和一些关键任务应用中,硬件错误不但会导致产能的损失,还会给用户带来各类潜在的危险。Vijeo Citect 的冗余架构可以过滤您系统中的所有错误,保障您系统的功能完整性,让其持续高效运行。
  • 强大的图形能力:
    图形能力是衡量SCADA系统的一项重要指标。 借助Vijeo Citect强大的图形能力,用户可以开发出直观易辨,风格统一的工程界面。
  • 过程分析器是直接集成在Vijeo Citect里的是一种直观的分析工具:
    过程分析器是直接集成在Vijeo Citect里的是一种直观的分析工具,它可提供全厂的控制历史趋势,深入分析数据并形成新的现场操作标准,使操作者能够迅速优化工艺参数,从而提高效率和生产力。
  • 面对对象的组态保证了工程的快速开发:
    Vijeo Citect面向对象的组态工具可以大大提高控制系统开发的效率。页面模板, 精灵和超级精灵,SpeedLink 等工具将在您的硬件控制系统和SCADA系统间架起桥梁。另外,面向对象的组态模式还将降低系统维护量,并保证各操作者之间的紧密协作。
  • 工程实现简单快捷:
    Vijeo Citect 提供灵活而有针对性的工程开发工具,使您的项目开发更加简便高效。无论是小到组态一个分布式水网,还是大到矿业的整体解决方案,它都能缩短您控制系统的开发时间和成本,从而降低系统开发的风险。
  • Vijeo Citect 是施耐德电气整体解决方案的有机组成部分。Vijeo Citect 全面支持施耐德电气的自动化元器件和控制器。同时,它可集成于全系列Magelis 终端产品和工控机产品中,应用领域非常广阔。
  • 在Vijeo Citect的监控和管理下,生产系统的效率将会大幅度得到提高。更低的成本,更高的产能将带给您更多的收益!

 Schneider Electric Vijeo Citect 7.40 SP1 | 1.9 Gb

Schneider Electric, the global specialist in energy management, has announced the release of StruxureWare SCADA Expert Vijeo Citect 7.40, the new version of its integrated software for industrial automation and control systems. This latest evolution enables industrial users to add value to their SCADA investment with modern new features and functionalities that streamline the efficiencies for both engineers and operators alike.

SCADA Expert Vijeo Citect 7.40 has now joined Schneider Electric’s StruxureWare software applications and suites, supporting company- wide optimization.

StruxureWare software applications and suites from Schneider Electric give you the ability to see, measure, and manage Efficient Enterprise across buildings, industrial plants, and data centers, resulting in significant savings on capital and operational expenses – without sacrificing business continuity and performance. StruxureWare software enables you to manage efficiency from shop floor to top floor, across three levels of your business: Enterprise, Operations, and Control. Addressing the primary challenge of each, it delivers the right information to the right person, anywhere, anytime.

About Schneider Electric

As a global specialist in energy management with operations in more than 100 countries, Schneider Electric offers integrated solutions across multiple market segments, including leadership positions in Utilities & Infrastructures, Industries & Machine Manufacturers, Non-residential Buildings, Data Centres & Networks and in Residential. Focused on making energy safe, reliable, efficient, productive and green, the Group’s 130,000 plus employees achieved sales of 22.4 billion euros in 2011, through an active commitment to help individuals and organizations make the most of their energy.
Schneider Electric Vijeo Citect 7.40 SP1

Name: Schneider Electric Vijeo Citect 
Version: (32bit) 7.40 SP1
Interface: english, russian
OS: Windows XP / Vista / Seven / 8
Size: 1.9 Gb

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