ESI Visual-Environment 15.0.0 x64

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ESI Visual-Environment 13.5.2 (x64)
ESI集团Visual-Environment15 继续拓展了其支持多个CAE领域的模块,其中包括网格划分、前/后处理、生成报告以及CAE自动化流程、工作流程、仿真数据管理以及内容管理等方面。Visual-Environment使得用户可以在同一个界面下使用多个CAE领域的ESI软件。
通过ESI的虚拟环境(Visual Envrionment),HWAUEN R&A工程师们可以在没有物理样机的情况下,通过虚拟样机对行李箱密封条进行虚拟装配和性能评估。软件允许工程师们仅仅基于设计参数和几何信息参考样本,全自动地生成输入数据。

File size: 2.9 GB

Visual-Environment, the single integrated environment for all your CAE needs. Visual-Environment is a single integrated user environment that caters to the engineering simulation needs across major industries. It includes a comprehensive modeling tool to generate quality meshes on complex geometries for various engineering domains ranging from Crash and Passenger Safety to NVH, Welding & Assembly, Casting, Electromagnetics, CFD & Multiphysics, and more… Visual-Environment’s interactive post-processing module caters to the requirements of the CAE community through its multi-page / multi-plot environment.

In addition, Visual-Environment’s software development toolkit (SDK), allows you to customize and extend this open architecture through process templates and macros.

Visual-Environment incorporates the finest engineering knowledge & best practices with a process-oriented approach suited to the needs of a shop-floor user or a software savvy user alike.

Together with VisualDSS, ESI’s Decision Support System, CAE Managers & Engineers can reap the following benefits with Visual-Environment:

Simulate complete workflows for a variety of physics within a single integrated environment;
Reduce cost and time by eliminating tedious data exchange by relying on a single core compute model;
Boost individual productivity with task automation;
Shorten time per design iteration thanks to process automation;
Improve product quality through a framework that enables concurrent engineering;
Customize enterprise solutions with minimal effort.
Visual-Mesh, Visual-Viewer and Visual-Process Executive are common modules, usually available as a part of all the solutions in Visual-Environment. The software development toolkit, Visual-SDK, is available on demand.

Whats New:
Updates: official site does not provide any info about changes in this version.

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