Adobe CS6 Master Collection DVD Update 4 by m0nkrus

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ImagenAdobe CS6 Master Collection DVD Update 4 | 11.5 GB
Adobe Creative Suite 6 Master Collection offers unmatched performance thanks to native 64 -bit computing and hardware acceleration GPU. Revolutionary new creative tools allow you to create innovative designs for the latest devices. With accurate and multifunctional tools, you can create expressive designs that can be enjoyed anywhere.

Using a revolutionary new creative tools, you can deliver expressive projects virtually anywhere . Adobe Creative Suite 6 Master Collection, thanks to native 64 -bit computing and faster GPU, delivers unprecedented power within the main components.

Package contents :
– Adobe Flash Builder 4.6 ( Russian and English)
– Adobe Flash Pro CS6 ( Russian and English)
– Adobe Acrobat X Pro ( Russian and English)
– Adobe After Effects CS6 ( English only )
– Adobe Audition CS6 ( English only )
– Adobe Bridge CS6 ( Russian and English)
– Adobe Dreamweaver CS6 ( Russian and English)
– Adobe Encore CS6 ( English only )
– Adobe Fireworks CS6 ( Russian and English)
– Adobe Illustrator CS6 ( Russian and English)
– Adobe InDesign CS6 ( Russian and English)
– Adobe Media Encoder CS6 ( Russian and English)
– Adobe Photoshop CS6 ( Russian and English)
– Adobe Prelude CS6 ( English only )
– Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 ( English only )
– Adobe SpeedGrade CS6 ( English only )
– Additional content

What has changed m0nkrus:
– A number of the original files for patched installer replaced ( cracked PainteR), allowing an opportunity to integrate the updates in the distribution.
– From the original ESD- distribution, containing Russian language removed all other languages ​​.
– The distribution is in addition to the Russian language is added in a single installer english version of the product .
– The distribution integrated update for Adobe Photoshop up to version
– The distribution is integrated with an update to Adobe Camera Raw to version 8.3.52 .
– The distribution integrated update for Adobe Illustrator x86 to version 16.2.
– The distribution integrated update for Adobe Illustrator x64 to version 16.2.
– The distribution is integrated with an update to Adobe Flash Pro to version 12.0.2 .
– The distribution integrated update for Adobe Dreamweaver up to version 12.2.0 .
– The distribution integrated update for Adobe Acrobat X Pro to version 10.1.9 .
– The distribution integrated update for Adobe Bridge x86 to version 5.0.2 .
– The distribution integrated update for Adobe Bridge x64 to version 5.0.2 .
– The distribution integrated update for Adobe InDesign up to version
– The distribution integrated update for Adobe Premiere Pro to version 6.0.5 .
– The distribution integrated update for Adobe After Effects to version 11.0.4 .
– The distribution is integrated with an update to Adobe Encore to version 6.0.2 .
– The distribution integrated update for Adobe SpeedGrade to version 6.0.4 .
– The distribution integrated update for Adobe Prelude to version 1.0.3 .
– The distribution integrated update for Adobe Fireworks to version 12.0.1 .
– The distribution integrated update for Adobe Media Encoder x86 to version 6.0.3 .
– The distribution integrated update for Adobe Media Encoder x64 to version 6.0.3 .
– The distribution integrated update for Adobe Audition to version 5.0.2 .
– The distribution integrated update for Adobe CSXS Infrastructure to version 3.0.3 .
– The distribution integrated update for Adobe DPS Desktop Tools to version 29.0.0 .
– The distribution integrated update for Adobe Extension Manager to version 6.0.8 .
– The distribution is integrated with an update for Touch App Plugin x86 to version 1.0.1.
– The distribution is integrated with an update for Touch App Plugin x64 to version 1.0.1.
– The distribution is integrated with an update for Dynamic Link Media Server to version 1.0.1.
– The distribution integrated update Adobe Application Manager version
– The distribution is integrated with an updated version of Adobe Air
– The distribution is added utility Adobe Update Managment Tool ( developed PainteR), which is able to set up a ” cloud ” upgrade.
– Distributive Adobe CS6 Master Collection is divided into two parts , in proportion Plural two DVD5.
– In the folder Crack ( for ease of installation duplicated on both disks ) are a set of tools and detailed instructions that allow to register Adobe CS6 Master Collection.
– The third disc contains the official add . content for Premiere Pro, Encore and Illustrator / InDesign.
– By kutsemu installer ESD- version added a menu similar to the Box-version. Made it in the image of the same menu for Adobe CS4 Master Collection.

Nuances of version numbers and updates
Version numbering :
In terms of assignment versions of products from Adobe ‘s complicated . There are two versions of the line assignment to the same product , one – the one that we see in the ” About” , the second – for internal developers, for the average user only available when viewing the contents of the service pack . Author , presenting a list of changes , using the numbering for developers.

I would like to stay at the version numbering Photoshop! Some may have noticed that in a previous version of the assembly Photoshop has been updated to version 13.1.2 , but now – to Why so And all because the functional version 13.1.2 and identical. They only difference is that 13.1.2 can not work under Windows XP, and can . Line versions 13.1.x was released to test the update distribution by subscription , which now operates in line Adobe CC. 13.0.1.h same line versions were available to everyone who bought the program not on subscription and on an ongoing basis , but produced with some delay with respect to 13.1.x. So, version 13.1.2 was not continued . But the version transformed into This is the latest release at the time of the assembly version . Despite this , Adobe Update Managment Tool ( more on that below) offers to upgrade to 13.1.2 . Do not get fooled ! You do not need this update .

As I wrote above , Adobe decided not to distribute to users who have purchased the product in full use, some of the updates . These updates are distributed exclusively among those who bought the program by subscription. To correct this injustice in the assembly included a modified updater Adobe Update Managment Tool, able to download and install these so-called “cloud” upgrade. Label updater is available in the Start menu. Run it , select the “Get and Install Online Updates”, select the drop-down menu and click the updated product “Run”. Further update procedure will be similar to the standard as if you initiated a check for updates in one of the programs Adobe.

Rebuilding distribution
Rebuilding the distribution at 2xDVD5 into a single distribution on DVD9Iskhodny ESD- distribution was uniform and monolithic. But , since it does not fit on one DVD5- disc, I had to break it into two parts. The integrity of the installer is not broken – such a mechanism is provided Adobe.

For those who are dissatisfied with the distribution by Adobe CS6 Master Collection and would like to merge it back to give instructions on how to do it: the contents of the Adobe CS6 on the second disk merge into the same folder on the first replacement of the same name files , then on the first drive opening Notepad to edit the file .. \ Adobe CS6 \ payloads \ Setup.xml and remove the string “CS6 Master Coll2”. Everything!

System requirements :
– Intel Pentium 4 or AMD Athlon 64 with support for 64-bit computing ; Intel Core2 Duo or AMD Phenom II required for Premiere Pro, After Effects and Encore; Intel Core i7 required for SpeedGrade
– OS Microsoft Windows XP SP3 or Windows 7 SP1; Windows 7 SP1 x64 required for Premiere Pro, After Effects and Encore; Windows 7 SP1 is required for SpeedGrade
– 2 GB of RAM ( 4 GB recommended ) for 32-bit , 4 GB of RAM ( 8 GB recommended ) for the 64 -bit version
– 14.5 GB of free hard disk space for installation, additional free space required for installation
– Additional disk space is required for caching , preview files and other working files (Recommended capacity: 10 GB)
– 1280×900 display with 16 -bit video card and 512 MB of video RAM ; requires monitor resolution 1680×1050, the use of additional professionally tuned monitor for work in SpeedGrade
– The system supports OpenGL 2.0
– Sound card with ASIO protocol or Microsoft WDM / MME
– DVD-ROM drive with dual-layer DVD- ROM drive ( to create a DVD recorder requires DVD +-R, for creating Blu-ray disc recorder requires Blu-ray)
– Java Runtime Environment 1.6 ( included)
– Eclipse 3.7 ( for plug-in installation Adobe Flash Builder); supports the following versions : Eclipse IDE for Java EE developers and Java, Eclipse Classic, Eclipse for PHP developers
– Software QuickTime 7.6.6, required to use QuickTime, multimedia capabilities and HTML5 playback of media content
– Specialized GPU card is required to operate in SpeedGrade ( for optimal performance SpeedGrade and use GPU-accelerated features in Adobe Premiere Pro and After Effects is recommended : NVIDIA Quadro 4000, 5000 , 6000 or other Adobe-certified GPU card with at least 1 GB of video RAM )


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网友最新评论 (2)

  1. 这个vip链有可能补档吗?老电脑用。
    datuoniao1年前 (2023-09-09)
  2. 感谢更新,m0nkrus最近挺火啊。
    walkqisky11年前 (2014-04-01)