更多的Evermotion Archmodels系列3D模型见这里:http://www.0daydown.com/tag/archmodels
支持格式 / Formats:
simple object without textures and materials (with mapping included)
simple object without materials (with mapping and textures included)
Mental Ray *.max-
with textures and shaders
Scanline *.max-
with textures and shaders
V-Ray *.max-
1.5 or higher – with textures and shaders
Advanced Render *.c4d-
object prepared for C4d renderer with Cinema 4D R11.5 or higher (with textures and shaders)
V-Ray *.c4d-
object prepared for V-Ray 1.1 with Cinema 4D R11.5 (with textures and shaders)
*.max –
2008 or higher
Cinema 4D-
R11.5 or higher
Archmodels vol. 107 includes 116 highly detailed models of lamps with textures, shaders and materials. It is ready to use, just put it into your scene.
Homepage: http://www.evermotion.org/modelshop/show_product/archmodels-vol-107/8130/0