PTC Pro/ToolMaker 9.0 M070

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PTC Pro/ToolMaker 9.0 M070

Pro/TOOLMAKER 是一个速度快丶易于使用的 NC 刀具路径编程应用程序,它为模具制作丶原型和其他精密加工应用提供高速加工的强大威力。 现在,制造工程师和机械师可以在一个独立的产品包中获得最强大的整套 NC 编程功能,其中包括 NC 后处理和刀具库。 有了 Pro/TOOLMAKER,制造工程师可以使用来自任何 CAD 系统的数据丶直接从 CAD 模型创建相关的 NC 刀具路径,以及利用并行工程技术。 结果是:能够提高产品质量丶减少废品,以及减少任何设计的生产时间和成本。

Pro/TOOLMAKER 9.0 提供强大的增强功能,可帮助您优化模具设计和制造过程。此版本的亮点包括:

Pro/TOOLMAKER 功能更强、速度更快和灵活性更高

  • 新的加工例程包括之字形/等距粗加工、角落余料加工和螺旋状余料铣削
  • 较大型项目的执行速度提高了 20% 之多,例如在汽车模具和级进模市场中经常创建的那些项目
  • 改进内存使用情况进一步优化了速度和性能
  • 针对曲线铣削的 2D 刀具补偿
  • 内在的 32 位和 64 位支持可帮助您利用强大的硬件平台
  • 包含多个教程,以帮助您在尽可能最短的时间内快速上手

新的 Pro/TOOLMAKER 5 轴模块

  • 快速、强大的 5 轴同时铣削功能,适用于甚至是最复杂的几何形状的模具和级进模加工
    • 自动的 3 轴到 5 轴转换节省了宝贵的编程和加工时间
    • 专门的 5 轴加工刀具路径(例如切屑和变体铣削)减少了加工操作数量并缩短了加工时间,从而更快速地向市场投放产品
    • 允许您使用更短和更坚硬的刀具以提高进给率并优化加工时间
    • 全面的刀具避免过切可保护您的重要刀具和零件



  •  PTC Pro/ToolMaker 9.0 M070 | 679.2 mb

Pro/TOOLMAKER 9.0 extends PTC’s technology leadership in 5-axis high-speed machining. This release provides mold and die manufacturers industry leading, high-speed precision machining capabilities for complex geometries in a fast, easy-to-use, reliable NC toolpath programming application.

Toolmakers can further improve their tooling design and manufacturing processes with the enhancements in Pro/TOOLMAKER and a new module, Pro/TOOLMAKER 5-Axis Option.

Toolpath computation speed has been improved by 20% with better memory management and additional native support for 64-bit machines. This release also includes key customer-driven enhancements such as support for raster and zig-zag roughing, new rest finishing toolpaths and improved 2D machining. 

PTC Pro/ToolMaker 9.0 M070

About PTC

PTC is all about helping discrete manufacturers succeed by meeting their globalization, time-to-market, and operational efficiency objectives in product development. As one of the world’s largest and fastest-growing software companies, we deliver a complete portfolio of integral Product Lifecycle Management solutions to over 25,000 customers in the Industrial, High Tech, Aerospace & Defense, Automotive, Consumer, and Medical Device industries.

Our people and technology enable teams to collaborate across departments—and across continents—helping you create innovative products that meet your customer needs and comply with industry regulations. In addition to best-in-class solutions, we also deliver expert training, software support, and world-class services both through PTC Global Services and a vast partner ecosystem–so you get the maximum value and ROI from your PTC software. Whether you’re a small or mid-sized business looking to migrate from 2D to 3D, or a global enterprise managing multiple product lifecycles, you’ll find exactly what you need with PTC — the Product Development Company.

Version: 9.0 M070 Build 46376
Interface: multilanguage
OS: Windows XP / Vista / Seven
Size: 679.2 mb

Bonus: PTC Post processor Libraries

Special Thanks SSQ & RG Engineer

X32pptoma9032b070.rar  X64 = pptoma9064b070.rar

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    lyj159003001516年前 (2018-11-05)
  2. 哪里可以下载pro/Toolmarker 9.0
    lyj159003001516年前 (2018-11-05)