IMSI DesignCAD 3D Max 23.0

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DesignCAD 3D MAX是一个易于使用的,多功能的CAD工具

DesignCAD 3D MAX能处理2D草图和3D模型的CAD 系统。是一款用于创建精确、专业质量的矢量图、模型和动画的最终初学者工具。

DesignCAD 3D MAX是你所需要的制图好帮手,和其他产品比较,DesignCAD 3D MAX优点突出,投入低廉,是制图设计者的理想选择。

DesignCAD 3D MAX包含丰富而精确3D和2D模型实体,它使用非常简单,无论你需要的是复杂的航天飞机,还是简陋的茅舍,DesignCAD 3D MAX都能让你的设想实现。

新的Design CAD 3DMax版本比以往的任何一个版本都强大的多,具有运行速度快,容易学习和使用,兼容AutoCAD 的DWG格式等种种优势。

DesignCAD 3D MAX包括600多彩容易的建筑设计,纹理映射的三维模型。此外,访问超过10,000 2D/3D符号和速度设计为您快速拖放到您的设计

 IMSI DesignCAD 3D Max 23.0 | 82.7 Mb

DesignCAD 3D MAX is an easy-to-use, versatile CAD tool that’s perfect for novice designers, but powerful enough to create high- quality 2D/3D designs, models and animations. The intuitive interface and extensive online help make it easy to design anything, from simple hobby projects to professional precision drawings. It’s everything you need.

It’s perfect for:
• Architectural Drawings – Draw professional-quality floorplans, elevations, and plot plans with ease
• Engineering Layouts – Double-precision accuracy allows the highest degree of tolerance and design control 
• Shop Drawings – Entering specific values for dimensions, diameter and radius allows you to draw accurate mechanical parts. 
• Home Projects – Create do-it-yourself landscaping designs and indoor/outdoor home improvements
• Other CAD Needs – Create electronic schematics, plats, mapping, flow charts and more

Easy to Use
DesignCAD offers simple operations, intuitive drawing tools and editing commands, and extensive online help to make it easy for you to quickly get started using CAD.

Fast, Powerful Commands 
Drawing shortcuts, horizontal and vertical cursor mode, and cursor step size enable you to make faster and more accurate drawings. Shortcut keys and dynamic toolbars can make commonly used commands a snap – literally! 

Full Featured 2D Drafting
You can draw virtually anything with DesignCAD’s extensive text manipulation functions, dimensioning and annotation features. You have sophisticated editing features, advanced geometric construction capability, complete layer management and editing tools. 

AutoCAD® 2012 .DWG/.DXF Compatibility and more
Read and write AutoCAD® files through 2012 with support for AutoCAD® layouts, PaperSpace, layers, linestyles, views, and blocks in both DXF and DWG file formats. 

Use the built-in BasicCAD scripting language, or OLE Automation, or both, to add new tools to the existing toolset.

Also Available – DesignCAD 3D MAX
Enter the world of 3D design with DesignCAD 3D MAX. This easy-to-use, versatile CAD tool that’s perfect for novice designers, but powerful enough to create high-quality 2D/3D designs, rendered 3D models and animations.

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