SonicLAB Cosmosf v2.0

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SonicLAB Cosmosf v2.0

SonicLAB Cosmosf v2.0 | 17.8 MB

Cosmosƒ is the most advanced dynamic stochastic synthesis tool. It has a recursive structure with audio feedback loop, which offers unique emergent sonic behavior within a hierarchy of multiple time scales. This upgrade is a milestone in Cosmosf development. V2 of Cosmosf Plugin goes to a structural change with amazing sonic design possibilites. Every micro event and every meso event in Cosmosf has now its own synthesis engine with independent parameter control. You are free to choose any synthesis method and set parameters for each micro or meso event.

Cosmosƒ is a real-time dynamic stochastic synthesis engine, which does generate sonic textures with a complex event distribution process. Discrete sonic events of certain density are distributed in a time space with their onset time and duration parameter calculated with stochastic /deterministic functions. Each macro event defines the duration of a meso space, and the sub events are distributed inside it.

The overall goal of these functions is to achieve control on each event space and perform the process of change on the appropriate operation level. The user intervenes with the system in real-time by inputting a sound source or accessing different type of synthesis/modulation generators and by controlling the parameters for the sonic event distribution on different time scales.

By introducing a hierarchy of multiple time scales on the event distribution process + recursive audio feedback + complex modulation scheme constructed with stochastic/ deterministic functions, it is possible to form sonic creations that cannot be handled by traditional synthesis methods.The temporality of a sound is truly the fundamental aspect of its identity as sound.

The coupling of continuous onset time/duration/density transformations with frequency, amplitude, micro-timbre and spatialization transformations permits the composer to continuously vary the sound vector in the timbre space. The combination of these multi dimensional transformations in Cosmosf promise certain phenomena in the overall resultant sound, what is called the “macro-timbre”.

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