ESI VA ONE 2019.0

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ESI VA ONE 2019.0VA One是法国ESI集团于2005年推出的全频段振动噪声分析的模拟环境,代表着ESI集团在振动噪声模拟、分析和设计方面的最新技术,被业界专家评为振动噪声工程近二十年来最重大的突破。
VA One把有限元分析(FEA),边界元分析(BEM),统计能量分析(SEA)及其混合分析集中于一个易于进行模拟的环境。同时,VA One提供有限元、边界元和统计能量分析一种严格的耦合形式,能够统一而可靠地进行全频谱范围的求解。

从2004年以来,汽车,航空和铁路领域的一些世界性企业参与了ESI集团的结构噪声共同体(SBNC- Structure-borne Noise Consortium)项目,对发展和验证VA One方案做出了重要的贡献。联盟成员包括:空中客车德国部(Airbus Deutschland GmbH),波音商业飞机(Boeing Commercial Airplanes),庞巴迪运输(Bombardier Transportation),欧洲航空防务及航天公司研发中心(EADS CRC Research Centre GmbH),本田汽车(Honda Motor Co),三菱电机(Mitsubishi Motor Co),英国QinetiQ Ltd,立达汽车系统(Rieter Automotive Systems),大众汽车(Volkswagen AG)等。

VA One包含有一系列的内部求解器,从而可以满足对振动噪声分析的需要。另外,这一工具软件还包括有与外部求解器的接口,以确保与目前振动噪声分析和设计过程的兼容性。VA One具有很大的灵活性,可以让用户选择基于成本、时间和计算资源的最佳模拟方案。这一软件还包含有强有力的管理工具,以快捷地根据CAD和FEA的数据建立模拟模型。VA One方案还提供了一个广泛的附加模块库,以确保软件可以集成于现有的CAE和设计过程中。例如,SYSWELD用于获得不同焊接连接具体的材料和几何属性。这个结果输入给VA One ,用于在一个耦合的有限元/SEA分析中定义局部连接细节。这种方法提供了一个评估复杂系统振动-声学响应考虑不同焊接和热处理过程影响的高效途径。

ESI VA ONE 2019.0 | 2.8 Gb

ESI Group is pleased to announce VA One 2019 that offers a range of enhancements that will enable users to address common modelling applications in the automotive, aerospace, marine and industry sectors even more easily.

VA One 2019 highlights include:

– Ray Tracing Improvements as High-Order diffraction model and a tool to help user define best Ray Tracing parameters to optimize performance
FE Solver Improvements:
– Use of internal ESI FE solver based on VPS (Virtual Performance Solution) replacing COSMIC NASTRAN.
– FE Structural and FE Acoustic modal solves can now use VPS solver.
– Periodic Module now uses this solver and supports orthotropic/isotropic materials and uniform and composite cross-sections.

– Compact Acoustic Source (CAS) previously available as a Ray Tracing source can now also be used as a BEM source.
– DFAT Module now includes Optimization options to define best-fit sources from target levels and correlation at control microphones.
– Improved SEA line junction formulation and merge nodes improvement for SEA model building ease of use.

VA One is the only environment you need for vibro-acoustic simulation and design. Whether you’re simulating the acoustic transmission loss of an automotive firewall or creating a system level model of the vibro-acoustic response of a complete aircraft, VA One has all the methods you need to simulate vibro-acoustics across the entire frequency spectrum. Based on the industry standard software for mid and high frequency noise and vibration design AutoSEA2, and extended to encompass mid and low frequency methods (making use of the RAYON solver), VA One is the only simulation code on the market that contains the complete spectrum of vibro-acoustic analysis methods in a common environment. VA One also sets new standards in ease of use; VA One is a standalone Windows desktop application with a modern user interface that is quick, intuitive and very easy to use. With VA One you get results faster. Spend your time solving noise and vibration problems rather than trying to learn how to use complex CAD/CAE systems or relearning the user interfaces of a large number of disparate analysis codes. With VA One you get all the functionality you need for vibro-acoustics in onecommon environment.

The core functionality of VA One is split into five main modules: the SEA Module, Structural FE Module, Acoustic FE Module, Acoustic BEM Module and Hybrid Module. Adding a new module is simple and straightforward and gives you access to the methods you need to model the response of a vibro-acoustic system in a given frequency range. In addition, a large number of extension modules and scripts are available to help you customize VA One to meet specific requirements. These extension modules provide everything from customized model templates for specific applications to complete developer kits for writing custom scripts and GUIs within the VA One environment. VA One has the flexibility to meet your analysis needs.

ESI is a pioneer and world-leading provider in virtual prototyping that takes into account the physics of materials. ESI has developed an extensive suite of coherent, industry-oriented applications to realistically simulate a product’s behavior during testing, to fine-tune manufacturing processes in accordance with desired product performance, and to evaluate the environment’s impact on performance. ESI’s solutions fit into a single collaborative and open environment for End-to-End Virtual Prototyping, thus eliminating the need for physical prototypes during product development. The company employs over 750 high-level specialists worldwide covering more than 30 countries. ESI Group is listed in compartment C of NYSE Euronext Paris

Product: ESI VA ONE
Version: 2019.0
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page :
Language: english
Size: 2.8 Gb


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