Hexagon MSC Digimat-CAE / Moldex3D 2023.1
Hexagon MSC Digimat-CAE / Moldex3D 2023.1 | 7.2 Gb MSC Software, part of Hexagon’s Manufacturing Intelligence division has re...
Hexagon MSC Digimat-CAE / Moldex3D 2023.1 | 7.2 Gb MSC Software, part of Hexagon’s Manufacturing Intelligence division has re...
Moldex3D为全球塑胶射出成型产业中的CAE模流软体领导品牌,以最先进的真实三维模拟分析技术,帮助全球各产业使用者,解决各种塑胶产品设计与制造问题,缩短产品上市时程,最大化产品利润。 全球真实三维模流分析软件领导品牌,因应客户对功能、流程、效率及...
MilagroVerge 10年前 (2015-05-27) 2评论
Coretech Moldex3d R13 (x86/x64) | 1.89/1.96GB Many product designers and manufacturers spend much of their time relying on g...